Thursday 1 October 2015

WOW NO COW NICE CREAM found in Auckland CBD - Zero Moo

I was on my way to $5 Wednesday at Academy Cinema, where I, by the way, saw the movie Me and Earl and the dying girl which was absolutely incredible! If you get a chance to see this brilliant movie, do it straigt away! It's one of those movies that lingers in your thoughts hours after it's finished.

Anyway. When I turn off Queen Street to where the cinema is located I see this huge sign saying  "Zero Moo" and my first thought is. Nah, really? Something vegan in central Auckland? I couldn't believe my eyes when I came closer and saw that it actually was a tiny little vegan store (!!!!) where they sell yoghurt, smoothies and most importantly VEGAN ICE CREAM made from coconut milk.

As usual at vegan food places, there were too many choices and I "had to" try a little bit of all the flavours (and by the way - they were all amazing which made the choice even harder!) So I ended up having two scoops for $8 with cherry/choco and date/tamarind. It was so yum that I just wanted more after I'd finished it.

Apparently this little gem has excisted for only two weeks so far, and as it is a bit hidden even though it's so central I think every one, vegan or not, should go there and try it out. You won't regret it! I will be back there shortly, that's for sure!

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