Tuesday 6 October 2015

Nostalgic mid week dinner

When I first became vegetarian (I probably mentioned this before, but this is how grateful I am about it) I was 17 and I was living at home with my parents. I was one of the newbie-lucky-vegans who had a mum and a dad that didn't have a problem at all with my vegetarianism. When I came home from school the day that I had made my decision and told them about it, they didn't try to talk me out of it or anything, if anything I think they saw it coming ages ago. 

Some of my vegetarian friends have told me that they had to start cook their own dinners when they went vegetarian, but like I said, I was lucky and my parents continued to make vegetarian dinners for me and they really got into it aswell, and I think they were inspiried with trying something new. 

One of the dishes my mum made (originally a chicken recipe which she made vegetarian) me alot because I loved it so much was this quorn, spinach, green bean meal. And the other day I decided to try to make it vegan, with tofu and oh-my-god. Almost as good as mums vegetarian version! 

Thank you again mum and dad for never trying to talk me out of my vegetarianism. <3

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