We received a warm welcome by Julie, our new helpx hosts Coley & Lisa and all of their animals. We instantly felt like home here, it's so amazing being around so many different gorgeous animals!
The first little cutie I fell in love with was little kitten Muscles, that Lisa and Coley recieved from SPCA two days ago. Muscles is only living here until another, permanent home is found for him. Honestly - who could say no to him? I'd take him in a second if I had a home to take him to.
Most of the animals that Lisa and Coley have living here are animals they've rescued from different horrible situations. If more people in the world would open up their home to animals in need like they've done here, the world would be a better place.
The animals here really live the way every animal in the world deserve to live.
Other than a lot of cats (it felt like I've seen a new cat around here ever since we arrived = happy cat loving sarah!), and two dogs there's a pig, a sheep, horses, chickens and the funniest goat I've ever met, that are living here all together.
And after just one day here, Guy and the goat (which I unfortunately already forgot the name of) is already BFFs
Today we did our helpx working hours around the house and afterwards we went in to Tauranga downtown.
On the way we spotted the street we are meant to live on in the future: avocado lane (!!)
Streets, stores and restaurants really do have clever, funny names around here. I especially liked this sushi place called When Sushi Met Sally
We walked around town in the beautiful weather, went by the art gallery and also tried to open up our bank accounts. But since we didn't have a proof of our address in a letter, the angry bank lady wouldn't let us open up any account.
One thing led to another though, when, as soon as we walked out from the bank we got asked to be interviewed by a local tv channel. They just asked us to answer what first comes to mind when we think of Easter, what we associate with it.
I think I probably sound like the most stupid idiot on Earth answering that question, so now I'm a bit scared that I'm gonna end up on YouTube, like, #SwedishGirlTriesToExplainSwedishEasterTraditions Or #SwedishGirlMakesNoSenseTalkingAboutEaster - I basically just talked about how IN SWEDEN we dress up like witches and eat lots of chocolate, and I know it has to do with Jesus, but I mostly think of holiday and blabla. Immidiately afterwards I totally regret my answer as I obviously should have made a vegan statements saying something cool like "I think about how sad it is with all the horrendous, unnessecery consumption of eggs (and dairy, concerning all the milk chocolate that people are gonna buy) during this holiday - which means that even more animals are gonna have to suffer for the sake of a holiday.
But anywhoooo. It turned out to be a great day in Tauranga central anyway, with a stroll in Robbins Park and a nice bus driver that helped us find our way home.
In the evening we cooked a superdupermegadelicious Thai curry. I used a recipe that I found here and it was really great! I just made some tiny changes, and added spinach along with the kale, some more cauliflower, coconut milk and dried coriander.
I never thought boiled tofu could be so yummy :) Definitely a new favorite!
I never thought boiled tofu could be so yummy :) Definitely a new favorite!
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