Monday, 16 March 2015

You forgot your blueberries!

After some gardening hours this morning, we went to Tim's studio for a second model sitting. It is amazing how people can draw like this! 

Down below is Tim's drawings so far. It's incredible to see someone looking exactly like you on a drawing. How can something made with a pen on a piece of paper look so real? 

Down below is Trishs drawing of our pose from another angle. So good!

They both make it look so easy when they draw, but if I were to try I wouldn't even be close to make it look like a human!

After some arty hours we went back home to make pizza on tortilla bread for dinner. Instead of using cheese on the vegan pizzas, we sprinkled over some savoury yeast flakes that made it a little cheesy. But with the steamed spinach and loads of other fresh veggies, no cheese was necessarily needed. 

I'm still getting used to being able to just go outside in the garden to pick the ingredients needed for a dish. Talk about locally grown!  
It's especially convenient when you different need veggies for pizza topping (we used zucchini, spinach, tomatoes and added on some aubergine, red onion and pepper)

Trish also made a quick and yummie vegan ice cream for dessert, with berries on the side that also came straight from the garden.

Trish's vegan Banana & Blueberry Ice Cream

You'll need:
2-3 bananas
2 cups blueberries
1/2 cup oat milk
1 jar of canned peaches

Make it:
Cut the bananas into small pieces and put them in the freezer until frozen. Put the bananas, blueberries and the oat milk in a blender and mix them until smooth. Put peaches, blackberries and strawberries (we're being spoilt here since we can pick strawberries and blackberries straight from the garden outside) in every bowl and top up with the delicious vegan friendly ice cream. 

But whatever you do when you're making this ice cream - don't forget your blueberries! (Whenever I see or even hear the word blueberries, I immediately think about these girls and laugh)

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