Sunday, 19 April 2015

New job, new house - finally official!

The first official day on as a Telefundraiser didn't start off in the best way.. On the other hand I'm not very surprised that it did start this way either - as a fun, friendly  welcome into the team of Telefundraisers at Greenpeace we played a game outside which basically involved a lot of running and ofcourse I fell over, bam, flying in the air and hitting the ground with my right knee first, haha!

Even though my only pair of tights got huge holes in them I didn't realize how bad my knee was until later on that day. Anyway, I'm not gonna gross you out and tell you more about, so that's it for my traumatic falling over story for now. Point is that it was the funniest way of starting at your new job..

Speaking of new, yesterday we finally moved into our new lovely house (more pics will come later on, promise!) our room is freakin' amazing and I want to live in it forever and ever! The only tiny little detail we need now is a bed, which we're picking up later on today, and some other furnitures and bits and pieces to make it more homey.

We went on a little trip to Kmart with our new house mates Shayla and Ryan and bought ourselves bed sheets and a comfy, winter-friendly duvet. So that's one thing to cross of the to do list ;)

Afterwards we went on a walk in our new neighborhood and Guy looked fashionable in my jacket when we entered Burgerfuel. 

It is a bit dangerous that we live so close to a place that make the best vegan tofu burger my mouth has ever tasted.. And the best strawberry soy shake. I think we always gonna find a good reason to come here. 

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