Thursday, 26 March 2015

The epic Mordor (Tongariro) crossing - in ma fake vans.

Yesterday was such an epic day! Guys brother Scott and his girlfriend Danni joined us on Wednesday evening, which is great cause now we have our little travel gang :)

Anyways. We got up in the early dark morning to get picked up by a bus that took us to the Tongariro National Park - one of UNESCOs World heritage centers.

At 7:30 we started our seven hour hike in the famous Tongariro crossing. This hike is described as the best one-day hikes in New Zealand so we were all sooo excited!

The trek took us from alpine meadows to mountain summit with stunning volcanic features along the way. We walked across landscapes of craters, active volcanoes, lakes and climbed a thousand steps (the devils steps) through mountains.

As a lord of the rings fan, this was especially cool and starstrucking, as the  Mt Ngauruhoe that we got a close look at, is actually Mt Doom from Lord of the Rings (!!!)

So basically you can say that we walked in Mordor yesterday and it was awesome (and exhausting and freezing and sweaty, all at once!)

The down hill part, the last two hours were the worst though and when we thought we where close to the finish line, it was more roads to walk. My feet were killing me as I didn't really have proper hiking gear, only my fake vans from Bali that I probably won't be able to wear again.. But anyway. It was definitely with it!

When we got back I had a well deserved power nap and in the evening Danni cooked the most amazing peanut butter sauce with veggies and rice noodles with brownies for dessert, yum! The rest of the evening we treated ourselves with beers and a loooong game of Monopoly.

This was definitely the best day we've had in New Zealand so far!

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